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Bathroom Accessories
Children's Safety
Children's Toys
Miscellaneous Medical
Mobility Devices
| Loan Room Policies
- You must have an active SCOV membership card to check out items from the Loan Room. A fob cannot be used. The Loan Room workers also need your card to check out any items.
- Normal Loan Room hours are 8am - 9am on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Residents are responsible for loading and unloading the items from the Loan Room. You must be able to transport your borrowed items from the Loan Room to your vehicle.
If you need additional help, you should make arrangements for that help. A small wagon can be borrowed to transport multiple items to your parked vehicle if needed.
- Medical items can be checked out for a two month period. Medical items would include such things as walkers, wheelchairs, bathroom accessories, crutches.
- Non-medical items can be checked out for a two week period. Non-medical items would include rollaway beds, cots, tables, folding chairs, children's car seats, high chairs, toys.
- Some quantities of items may be limited, check with the Loan Room volunteers. In general, no more than
two of any one item are loaned at the same time (the exception to this is card table chairs which are eight at one time).
- In the case of a medical emergency, as when items are needed for assistance at home after a hospitalization,
the Chair of the CAC can be contacted for possible assistance outside of normal Loan Room hours.
- The general categories of available items can be viewed on the left of this screen. Clicking on a category will reveal the different types of that category.
Photos of the items are available and may be viewed. If a larger photo is desired, click on the photo to enlarge it.
Click on the photo again to return it to the original size and select another item.
- Beginning September 1, 2019, all residents need to sign a Liability Waiver form prior to checking out items.
This waiver only has to be signed once and will be kept on file to cover future checkouts.
Liability Waiver forms are available in the Loan Room and can be read and filled out prior to the check-out procedure.
Loan Room workers will insert a notice in each resident's file to cover for future check-outs.